Looking for Hope
Practical Advice on How to Find and Maintain Hope May 10, 2008Debbie Roome

Hope is defined as expectation of a future event or the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled. Hopelessness is defined as the despair felt when hope of comfort or success has been abandoned.

Hope Gives Purpose
Hope can serve as the motivation to get up in the morning and face life. It is the inspiration to keep studying a difficult course or the reason to keep up a stringent exercise program. It looks forward to the end result of effort, even if that is far into the future.

Hope Begins in the Mind
Hope can be prompted by external circumstances, but if it is not sustained and nurtured from within, it probably won’t last. It is important to create hope by self affirmation and looking for opportunities to grow as a person.

Hope Prompts Action
Hope is the fuel that feeds the fires of effort and perseverance. A person can hope that they will become a doctor, but if the hope is not accompanied by hard work and study, it will never come to fruition. Hope can be the catalyst for wise choices and decisions and the rewards can be great.

Hope Needs to Be Uncovered
There is hope to be found, even in situations that look hopeless. There are many great men and women in history who survived situations that had the potential to crush hope. In 1914, Thomas Edison’s laboratory complex was destroyed by fire. His response was this: “I am 67 but I’m not too old to go back to work.” He rebuilt the labs and returned to his experiments.

The Bible Speaks of Hope
 Hope is a common theme in the Bible. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 speaks of three things remaining. These things are faith, hope and love. Hope is an important part of human experience.

Everyone Needs Hope
A life without hope is a life that is dull and meaningless; a life that is caught in a rut and drags from day to day. If hope seems too far out of reach, consider consulting a health professional or counselor who can help pinpoint and treat the cause.

Hope is available to everyone and can be compared to a tightly furled bud. It doesn’t look like much but the potential is there for a magnificent bloom. It simply needs enough sunlight and water as well as a measure of care.

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I really liked this article that gives you every single detail about the steps and branches of hope.  One of the most interesting part is that this article refers to the idea that “hope prompts action”, I definitely agree with this article that when you hope for something and you wish it to come true, you should also work hard for it to accomplish your goals.  I also liked a sentence from last paragraph that says that “A life without hope is a life that is dull and meaningless”, because it gives you the courage to never stop to hope, and if you do not, life is very meaningless.  This article is a similar one with "The Frog Story", because both of them gives you the idea to always hope, even though you can be in bad conditions.